Monday, 24 February 2014

Mona the Vampire

Mona the Vampire: The Jackpot Disaster by Hiawyn Oram  and Sonia Hollyman is about a girl called Mona and her best friend, Angela that wins the lottery and turns all selfish.

In the story...
Mona and Angela were in the middle of a game then Angela said, 'My dad's won the lottery.' Angela said, 'We are going to move house and I won't be able to be your best friend any more.' The next day Angela arrived at school in huge white car and showed off about her new purple sneakers that tied their own laces up. then Mona talked about witches to Angela and Mona said, 'We will see them on Wednesdays.'

I really enjoyed this book and want to read more Mona the Vampire books.



  1. I think I might read this.

  2. I think my eldest two daughter's would enjoy reading this book, thanks so much for linking up with #readwithme I have tweeted and pinned your post. x

  3. A lovely book review Samantha x

  4. I used to love this when it was on TV when I was little, well littler than I am now anyway! Will have to keep my eyes peeled for the books now for my own children!

    1. Your children will probably love the books! x


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